Life is busy enough without fumbling with cash, taking time to write a check or contemplating monthly credit card fees. Your time is valuable, so simplify your life and use your TSB Financial debit card for everything, everywhere, every time.
Why use a debit card?
- Your debit card is accepted virtually everywhere you use cash and many places where checks aren’t accepted.
- Maintain a healthy budget; funds are withdrawn directly from your account.
- A personal identification number (PIN) helps protect against fraud.
Don’t have a debit card? Contact TSB Financial today. (Subject to approval)
Download the Shazam® Brella™ App for transaction control
Brella is a free mobile app that helps protect you from fraud by sending alerts when your card is used so you can quickly detect unauthorized activity. You choose which alerts to receive and when. Alerts include:
- Purchases exceeding thresholds you set.
- Purchases made via the internet or over the phone.
- Suspicious or high-risk purchases.
If you receive an alert, you can quickly take action to prevent fraud.
With Brella, you can also:
- Turn your debit card off or on. This is great if you misplace your card!
- Send money to virtually anyone.
- Check your account balance without logging in with the Quick Balance feature.
- Find nearby ATMs.
- Submit travel notices.
- Log in with just your fingerprint.
Use the Brella app along with the TSB Financial mobile app for increased protection against fraud.
Visit your app store and search for “Brella Card Manager” to download now.